Mindful Parenting Presentation
“When little people are overwhelmed by BIG emotions, it is our job to share our calm, not join their chaos.”
-L.R. Knot
Please join us for a night of strategies and insights for parenting with a level head.
Wednesday, January 16th
6:30-8:30 pm at Hereford Middle School Library
Raising children is not easy and we often do not take the time to discuss the challenging moments we face each day as parents, caregivers, and educators. This presentation will discuss brain based research about strategies and insights that can help you and your child not only survive these challenging moments, but also thrive because of these moments. Using the research based practices of Daniel Siegel,M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., and Mindful Schools this presentation will provide information about your child’s developing mind, tools to help your child calm down, and strategies for emotional connection during conflict.
RSVP by January 10thto Berna Oates boates@bcps.orgor Gretchen Vassar gvassar@bcps.org
Paid for by the Seventh District ES and Sparks ES PTA.